Devoted to the Most Devoted

Chasdei Lev’s mission is to give back to our Rebbeim, teachers and their families in appreciation for their tremendous devotion to our children. We strive to ensure that the Rebbeim of our communities are able to go into Yom Tov with peace of mind. Yom Tov on any budget is expensive, and for Rebbeim with large families on a typical Rebbe’s salary, it can be daunting.

Chasdei Lev’s goal is to help alleviate that strain.


Rebbeim Family
Members Assisted

Satisfaction Rate




0% Paid Members

We achieve this by partnering with yeshivos, manufacturers, and distributors to provide Rebeim with food and household necessities for Yom Tov in a dignified and respectful manner. Utilizing a unique combination of donations and subsidies, as well as the purchasing power of buying in bulk, we provide a service where our Rebbeim are able to order large quantities of food and household necessities at a quarter of the standard price.

How We Do It


Participating yeshivos have graciously agreed to bear a significant portion of the cost to help make this possible.

Chasdei Lev

We bring it all together to show appreciation in a b’kavodig way to the hardest working families who teach our children.


The items on the Rebbi’s shopping list were purchased directly from the manufacturers and distributors at or below wholesale prices.


Each Rabbi gets to shop from a shopping list of carefully selected food items and household necessities at drastically reduced prices.

Would That I Had a Tiny Portion of Their Merit

A Message from the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Reuven Feinstein

We have no words to express our thanks and hakaras hatov for the wonderful chasadim your organization does for Rebbeim. To enable Rebbeim to comfortably make Yom Tov without having to go through a financial strain is an unusual chesed. In addition, the way you treat the Rebbeim with such dignity and

kavod gives us a tremendous chizuk to continue our Avodas Hakodesh with simcha and menuchas hanefesh. Yeshalem Hashem es Pe’ulasechem – your schar has no limits. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant you with gezunt, parnassah b’revach, bracha v’hatzlacha and only nachas from your mishpachos.
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The encouragement that you give to Bnei Torah engenders enthusiasm for Kavod HaTorah among others to participate and honor the Torah and show appreciation to those who teach ourchildren. May it be the will of Hashem that I too be counted amongst them to gain even a tiny portion of their tremendous merit!


Thank You Dear Rebbi

Thank You Rebbi

It’s a Rebbe’s Life

Chasdei Lev Pesach 2016

Chasdei Lev Pesach 2016

Chasdei Lev Succos

We owe them everything.

Let’s show them our appreciation.